Posts tagged with: Family Counseling

Sexting – Child/Teen Cell Phone Abuse

It’s the trend among school kids, and it’s not downloading songs on devices or playing the current edition of Grand Theft Auto. It’s called “sexting”-sending graphic images and pornographic videos via text message to friends. It’s becoming such a problem...

Alcohol and Drug Assessment

Purpose. This test describes things that happen to people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs. By taking this test, you will be able to determine if you are addicted and, if so, how serious your addiction is. To be...

Depression Screening Test

Here are a few questions to help determine the level of sadness. Please complete this print-it-out, and bring it in with you on your first appointment. Depression Screening Test Circle the appropriate descriptor below the question. 1. I do things...

Anger Management Counseling Dallas/Southlake

Anger Management Classes – 7 Ways Therapists Can Motivate Angry Men Who Want to Save Their Marriage 1. During the first session with the angry man alone, I recommend that for the next session, he invited his wife in for...

Teaching Empathy

Persons engaged in addictive and defiant behavior tend to treat parents, family, and others as objects. Many of my teen and adult clients struggle with understanding how others might feel in various situations. The main issue is that my clients...